


Thank you to our community for taking the time to participate in our survey! Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we shape the THOR team's work and focus. Understanding the needs and preferences of our trail community is key to guiding our efforts and ensuring we continue to serve you in the best way possible.

Top Five Locations

What trail do you visit most often?

Top Five Activities

How do you use the trails?

How many years have you been mountain biking, approximately?

How would you describe your skill level?

What type of riding do you do?

Top 5 Categories

Are you a current THOR Member?

Have ever volunteered?

If yes, do you feel valued?

Which of the following do you or would you be willing to support through your volunteerism and/or charitable giving?

What type of events would you like to see more of next year?

Based on your recent experience with the trails, how would you evaluate the quantity of trails available?

4 out of 5 Stars

Based on your recent experience riding how would you rate the Variety of Trails?

4 out of 5 Stars

Based on your recent experience riding how would you rate Trail Accessibility?

4 out of 5 Stars

Based on your recent experience riding how would you rate Community/Other Riders?

4 out of 5 Stars

What type of natural surface trails do you want more of?

What advocacy issues do you care most about?

Do you feel well-informed about THOR'S advocacy efforts?

How do you prefer to receive information from THOR Trails?

How did you first hear about THOR Trails?

Trails Have Our Respect

Based on the community’s feedback, we will prioritize the following initiatives this year: trail education, rider skills clinics, and social ride events. We appreciate your input and are committed to making our events even better. Our events calendar is actively filling up, and we have an exciting year ahead! Stay tuned for updates by joining our newsletter, and we’ll see you on the trail!

All comments from the public survey are shared with the Trails Have Our Respect Board of Directors directly.

Thank you.

Community engagement is central to our mission, fostering connections through events, rides, and partnerships with local businesses. These initiatives strengthen community ties, promote active lifestyles, and preserve natural spaces for future generations. Explore our journey and partnerships in our 2024 Annual Report. Your support means everything.

